Sunday, July 14, 2013

i feel so very lucky.  i have a wonderful husband, two healthy and amazing boys, have a great job and live in the most amazing place.  it is sunday night and yet another weekend is about to be over.  again, it was a great one.  i took the boys to a birthday party saturday morning, we got quite a bit done around the house and saturday evening, we visited with dear friends and walked to a restaurant for dinner.  the kids played well and we all had a fun evening.  so relaxed.  so easy.  not the least forced.  today, we took it easy in the morning and for lunch, we headed to st. pedro square as we often do.  great spot with lots of choices while being close by.  the weather has been amazing.  the boys have played, jumped on the trampoline, laid puzzles and played games.  it feels nice and cool outside now and the doors and windows are open.  the boys are shooting hoops in the drive way  with their dad.  soon, it is time for bed.  i feel very thankful and blessed - there isn't a thing i am going without or need.  it is an amazing feeling.    

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