Sunday, April 22, 2012

finn talks more and more by each day.  here are some of his latest words/sentences:

a bus!!
i want it!
here-go (here you go) - also used as "thank you"
hi guys!
hi buddy!
no daddy
of-u (love you)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

max did great at t-ball today. i only saw the last few minutes of the game (don't ask) but those last few minutes were awesome. when batting, max hit the ball REALLY hard and it went REALLY far. maybe it was the new batting gloves that did it! he is so adorable in his baseball uniform. my boy. i love him so much.
my absolute pet-peeve is when outdoor shoes are worn inside. we do not walk in with shoes in our house. tell finn that. his most favorite "toys" are shoes. anyone's shoes. and, he wants to wear them inside as well as outside. sigh.

Friday, April 13, 2012

my most favorite moment of the day with finn is when he first wakes up in the morning. okay, i don't love it when he wakes up too early (as in 5 or 5:30) but like today, when he woke up around 6:45 - just right. especially for a work day. i hear him babbling to himself and then he starts to call out "mommy"...i go in, he smiles and gets up, holding his doggie blanket and holds up his arms towards me. i have his "baba" (sippy-cup with warm milk) and with that, we go and hang out on the couch while he empties it. he is so snugly and warm and adorable - i just love that very moment.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Weekend

We got together with the neighbors again for our Easter egg hunt at Santa Clara university. It was sunny and warm - absolutely perfect. Here are some photos. So fun!


Friday, April 6, 2012

Fun times

Gigi & Pop Pop visited recently. Pop Pop turned 70! Max had a special day at the aquarium with Pop Pop. We went to Pescadero, the goat farm and Half Moon Bay one day when the waves were super high! Fun times! Here are some photos from Half Moon Bay.