Saturday, June 1, 2013

Dad is out of town since Thursday morning.  Both Thursday and Friday went fine in the morning with getting the kids to school.  However, I have to admit, it has been a bit challenging overall, being without Brent.  All the buttons have been pushed a few times each, for sure.. Karen and Brian have been life savers.  Brian picked up Max from school yesterday and in the evening we all enjoyed dinner out.  This morning, Max went to the closing ceremony at t-ball with Brian and Luke which was followed by the last game of the season.  Finn could not stop talking about baseball so instead of me putting him down for a nap, we went to watch the game.  Kind of screwed up the schedule for the rest of the day but oh well.  The weather was brutal...90 degrees and the kids were so hot.  After a shower, Max felt better and was happy to see Luke come over for a play date.  Finn sure was happy too.  He just follows Luke around.  Very cute.  We miss daddy and ant wait for him to get home.  Thanks Uffelmans for everything you do!  Heading to bed now.  G'nite

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