Thursday, April 21, 2011


As of last week, Finn is officially pulling himself up to a standing is too soon! I think. Last night, he decided to do it over and over again in his crib. Thankfully, Brent lowered the mattress down a couple of weeks ago.

A week ago tomorrow, we finally took Finn to the photographer. He was such a ham! He loved being photographed and smiled and giggled and moved all around. Adorable. Can't wait to see how they turned out.

1 comment:

  1. The other day I walked in to Calista's to get Addi, and founf Finny wrestling with Curious George, and giggling to himself. I was unclear who was winning the match, Finn or George the Monkey, but it was clear that they could keep wrestling all day and that there was nothing more fun in the world at that moment! Such a sweet baby!
