Sunday, September 12, 2010

Wedding attire or Halloween costume?

Uncle Scott is soon to get married. The wedding is only a couple of weeks away and we are looking forward to traveling to Whistler, BC for the big event. Well, honestly...traveling is not exactly what we are looking forward to since I can imagine it being nothing short of miserable. However, arriving in Whistler and spending some time away in such a beautiful place, attending the wedding and hanging with family is going to be fun. Anyway, Max is going to be the ring bearer in the wedding. It is very nice of Scott and Amanda to ask Max to handle this important duty. Last week, we all went to the mall to buy a suit for Max. You should know that the word "suit" translated into Swedish is "kostym". You should also know that lately we have been asking Max what he wants to wear for Halloween. He seems very open to wearing the monkey costume he wore last year with the long monkey tail. We just need to make sure it still fits. So back to the suit shopping. We are at the mall, find the store and Brent and Max are in the dressing room trying on a charcoal gray suit, size 4. Max is not too excited to try on the clothes and is clowning around. We try to get him excited by telling him that he will be wearing a suit just like Daddy and how handsome he looks. We ask him "where are you going to wear this suit, Max?" He responds "for Halloween". Then he adds "where is the tail"?!! I then realize that the little guy is very confused. He does not know what a wedding is. He has no clue what it involves being a ring bearer. All he knows is that he is getting new clothes and some events are soon to come, including Halloween. Can it be that our child believes that we are at the mall buying him his Halloween costume? If so, no wonder he is disappointed! The fact is that he is mixing up the word "kostym" (suit) with "costume" as in Halloween costume. We tried to explain the difference and the two events. I am not sure he got it. I will let you all know how it ends...

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