Finn, today you are 11 months old. Our baby. Almost 1 year old. Where did the time go? You are an amazing little guy. So happy. The majority of the time. You love your brother. Is that why you started to walk so early? To keep up with your older brother? Or, is it to try to escape him?! You love attention. You try to get eye contact with people, including strangers, to ensure that they notice you. You look at us and smile. When you clap your hands and look around to be sure that we see you and join in. When we do, you become more and more excited and clap harder and faster! You point at things and says "titta", the word for "look" in Swedish. This was also one of Max's first words. Finn, you sure use the word Dada a lot. I like it when you say Mama which you have tried a few times. Our little boy. You bring us such joy and we love you so much. Happy 11 month birthday baby.
Mom & Dad
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