Sunday, July 10, 2011


I took both boys to the Doc on Wednesday this week. Max for his 4-year checkup (just about 3 weeks following his birthday) and Finn for his 9-month visit (just 2 months late..). The appointments were late in the day; 4:30 and 4:45. Good planning, I thought. After nap time for both of them and I didn't have to miss too much time at work. We didn't wait many minutes, were taken back and Max was weighed and measured. Thereafter, he had tests performed to check both his vision and hearing. No issues, all went well. We were shown to a room and while Max sits perfectly still in one of the guest chairs, reading books provided by the Doctor's office, Finn is weighed and measured. Finn is not still for a second. He moves all around, wants down on the floor. He is thrashing and whining, literally tearing the layer of paper on the examination chair/bed (placed there for sanitary reasons) and tries to eat it! Who is this child? Is he hungry? Colista assured me that he had eaten just before I picked him up. Tired? Not sure. Since Finn started walking, he isn't too keen on just being held and kept on the lap. He wants down. He wants to walk. The nurse makes a comment "wow, he must keep you busy". Yep, that's right, I think. The Doc comes in. It isn't the kids' regular pediatrician who is on vacation. He examines Max. Checks ears, nose, listens to his lungs and etc. Max is perfect and still and does what the Doc asks him to do. He is given two shots and doesn't make a sound. Perfect. All this while I can barely hold onto Finn. I let him down. He takes off. He wants to get under the computer table where all the cables are connected to the wall. Not good. He wants to get in behind the examination table and almost gets stuck back there. Sigh. The Doc checks Finn. Healthy, yes. We talk about the boys' growth charts but can barely hear each other talk. Finn is loud and not happy to be there. I say; "I guess I know now what we are in for as we travel to Sweden on Monday"...and the Doc blurts out; "you need Benadryl"! I am so happy to be reminded of what I meant to ask the Doctor about, specifically how I can possibly travel so far with my two little boys and stay sane! Later in the week I went to Walgreens and now have some Benadryl in our possession. We hope to be somewhat prepared for the very, very long plane ride ahead of us. Wish us luck...

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