Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Mother/Son Camp at Camp Campbell

Every year in the month of March, the YMCA has a Mother/Son camp called Camp Campbell, held in the Santa Cruz Mountains in Boulder Creek. This year, Finn and I went. There were no boys in Max's age going that we knew so he opted out. 

When at Camp Campbell, you stay in cabins with bunk beds for a total of 16 people. However, our cabin only had me and Finn, Colleen and her boys Owen and Will and one other mom and son whom we didn't know. It was great to have all the extra space and less people to share restrooms and showers with! You eat your three meals a day in the large log cabin and bring along snacks. While it literally rained (poured mostly...) we had a great time.

There are activities such as swimming in the heated pool, archery, tie dye, craft making, indoor games and more. Finn's favorite thing to do was building forts and jumping over the streams with Owen and Will. They got wet and muddy and they loved it.

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