our little finn turned two today! that little guy. so cute and handsome and amazingly adorable while stubborn and strong willed and extremely loud. two years ago today that little boy joined this world and completed our little family. a little brother and best friend for max. i will never forget when max held his new baby brother for the first time. max sat in the guest chair in my hospital room with the baby in his lap, patting finn's head - over and over. max looked so happy, so proud. although there is quite a bit of fighting and disagreements taking place on a daily basis, the boys are close and love each other.
i think finn had a good birthday. we had chocolate chip waffles for breakfast followed by cupcakes that max baked last night. big brother also helped choose the presents which included books, toys, a rolling suitcase and a scooter. we blew up balloons last night since finn loves balloons. finn spent the day with emeline ("eme") and they always have a good time. tonight, he tried out the new scooter and did really well. he ran through a puddle of water over and over until his shoes were soaking wet. after another cupcake, bath and a cup of milk, it was time for bed.
my little boy is now sound asleep. sweet dreams my little love bug. i love you. happy birthday.
still devo about it!!