Monday, September 5, 2011

If Max wakes up before Finn in the morning, Max just calls for me. He doesn't want to leave their room, or Finn will begin to cry. I have to come in to pick up Finn from the crib and then Max wants to be able to see his little brother and hug on him. This morning, we all sat down on the couch and I turned on some cartoons (this is a morning routine but for weekends only). Finn is usually pretty anxious to get out of our arms, down to the floor to start to play. Today, he actually watched for a few minutes and laid his little head down onto Max's shoulder. It was very cute. Max appreciated it. Finn is starting to actually play alongside Max more and he wants to do everything Max does. And maybe, just maybe, Max is a little more gentle with his brother. I may be imagining it but lately, it is possible that Max isn't pulling on Finn every time he walks by and the hugs aren't so forceful. I think I can begin to envision how they are going to become close as brothers, have such fun and become the best of friends!

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