Thursday, September 29, 2011
Central Nursery School is the preschool that Max attends every day and has since he was two years old. A few months ago, Max began to wonder what happened to the kids as they turned five and left the school. I explained to him that they started Kindergarten at a different school. We talk about Kindergarten quite often. We talk about what he needs to know when he starts Kindergarten and how the boys and girls in Kindergarten do not take naps during the day and how going to bed earlier than 9pm will be important. Max knows that it will be beneficial to know his letters and numbers and how to read and write when starting school. While driving Max to pre-school today, he told me that we needed to practice reading words in preparation for Kindergarten. Then he added; "otherwise the police would come and get us!" Yikes..
Finn talks. A little. Mostly he says "Dada" all the time. Or "Papa". Either. Whatever. Not often does he say "Mama" but this morning, he made me really happy and said "Mama" several times! He also tries to say "Max" although he really only says "Mmmm". Finn got the word "titta" down. It means "look" in Swedish. He points (at anything and everything) while saying "titta!" He tries to say "ball" or maybe he is trying to say it in Swedish - "boll". We are not sure. He tries. And he is darn cute trying!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Finn's 12 month check-up
Finn went to the doctor today for his 12 month check-up. As usual, we are a bit behind with our dorctor's visits as Finn is just over 13 months old.
On the way to the doctor's office we stopped at Starbucks (of course) for my daily mocha. Finn played peekaboo with the lady standing behind me in line, charming her completely. The barista commented on Finn's eyes being so blue and beautiful. At the doctor's office, all the ladies at the reception desk talked with him and he was pretty much loving the attention. He is something else..
My poor baby received four shots today, two in each arm. It wasn't fun. I think I did worse than Finn and he surely wasn't happy. Here are the stats from today's visit:
Height - 2 ft. 7.25 in (79.4 cm) and 79.30% for age
Weight - 22 lbs, 5 oz (10.121 kg) and 32.43% for age
Head circumference - 18.11 in (46 cm) and 29.68% for age
On the way to the doctor's office we stopped at Starbucks (of course) for my daily mocha. Finn played peekaboo with the lady standing behind me in line, charming her completely. The barista commented on Finn's eyes being so blue and beautiful. At the doctor's office, all the ladies at the reception desk talked with him and he was pretty much loving the attention. He is something else..
My poor baby received four shots today, two in each arm. It wasn't fun. I think I did worse than Finn and he surely wasn't happy. Here are the stats from today's visit:
Height - 2 ft. 7.25 in (79.4 cm) and 79.30% for age
Weight - 22 lbs, 5 oz (10.121 kg) and 32.43% for age
Head circumference - 18.11 in (46 cm) and 29.68% for age
Monday, September 12, 2011
GiGi and PopPop just left yesterday after visiting with us for about a week. We had a great time while they were here. One day mid-week, they took Max on special day to the Monterey Aquarium which he of course loved. Max and PopPop went to the driving range one evening after school so Max could show off his golf swing. Brent and Dom enjoyed golfing at Pasatiempo on Thursday afternoon and neither can stop talking about how great of a time they had. Brent and I got away for a nice dinner on Friday evening which is just about unheard of. Both boys had a fun day at the beach on Saturday while Brent and I got a bunch of errands and chores around the house. That evening we attended Melissa & Casey's wedding which was great fun. Better yet, we didn't have to get up at 6am the following day...GiGi and PopPop did that for us - simply awesome! All the times in between were fun too - just the hanging out, drinking wine and talking. Thanks for coming and thanks for everything you do GiGi & PopPop! Best of all - we will see you again in a few weeks!

Monday, September 5, 2011
If Max wakes up before Finn in the morning, Max just calls for me. He doesn't want to leave their room, or Finn will begin to cry. I have to come in to pick up Finn from the crib and then Max wants to be able to see his little brother and hug on him. This morning, we all sat down on the couch and I turned on some cartoons (this is a morning routine but for weekends only). Finn is usually pretty anxious to get out of our arms, down to the floor to start to play. Today, he actually watched for a few minutes and laid his little head down onto Max's shoulder. It was very cute. Max appreciated it. Finn is starting to actually play alongside Max more and he wants to do everything Max does. And maybe, just maybe, Max is a little more gentle with his brother. I may be imagining it but lately, it is possible that Max isn't pulling on Finn every time he walks by and the hugs aren't so forceful. I think I can begin to envision how they are going to become close as brothers, have such fun and become the best of friends!
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