It is the night before Finn's 1st birthday. My little baby is turning 1. I remember it all so well. The night before my scheduled C-section was to take place, Brent and I went out for dinner all by ourselves to Los Altos Bar & Grill while GiGi and PopPop stayed with Max. I wore a black top, one of many maternity tops I borrowed from my friend Electra. I have a photo of me and my big belly. I think it was larger than when I was pregnant with Max. We also took a photo of me and Max on the couch. The last day of Max being an only child. The next morning, we had to be at Good Sam's Hospital at 5am in order for the surgery to begin at 7. It seemed so unnecessary to be there that early, being that I was the first operation of the day. What could they possibly be doing for two hours. Somehow, the two hours of time flew by while I signed waivers, received my IV and talked with my Doctors. I had requested Dr. Jameson to be my anesthesiologist once more since he was so great when I gave birth to Max. I was nervous. I walked into the OR together with Dr. Jameson who gave me a local injection for immediate numbing. Dr. Rosenberg was there together with several nurses, preparing for the operation. The smell of the sheet hanging in front of my face as I laid on the operating table smelled strong from plastic. Almost overwhelming. Brent sat next to me on the right side, holding my hand. Dr. Jameson was on the left. The clock showed to be after 7. I asked if they were about to begin the surgery and Dr. Jameson answered that they already had. Dr. Rosenberg commented on how great the scar looked from my first C-section, performed by Dr. Belton. Dr. Jameson informed me what was happening, one step at a time and prepared me for when I would feel it become difficult to breath, as one of the nurses lay on me in order to help push Finn out. At 7:41 am, Finn was born. We heard him begin to cry which was a relief. I caught a glimpse of him as Dr. Rosenberg briefly removed him to suction fluid from the lungs. Finn was wrapped in blankets and when brought to Brent's arms. Finn weighed 6 lbs, 14 oz, exactly 1 lbs less than Max, and measured at 19.5 inches. He was beautiful. We had become parents of another baby boy. A precious little baby to love and to hold. A little brother for Max. Dr. Rosenberg quickly performed the rest of the surgery and by 8am, I was removed from OR and transferred into the recovery area. I held my beautiful child. I recovered very quickly and was able to feed Finn almost immediately. Brent's parents arrived shortly thereafter and since I was already feeling fine, we all went to my hospital room and the maternity area. Max was at pre-school for a portion of the day since I didn't know how long it would take for me to recover and I didn't want him to see me until I felt okay. Later that afternoon, GiGi and PopPop came back with Max. He was shy when he entered the room. He came up to my bed and asked to see his little brother. He stared at Finn. He wanted to hold his little brother. He sat in the vinyl covered guest chair (the one that unfolds to a "bed", however super uncomfortable) and patted his brother's head over and over, very carefully. Max looked very proud.
All that happened one year ago tomorrow. Finn has been in our lives for a year already. He was so small and made so much noise. I'm sure he was colicky. You would never know, today. He is healthy and happy. Still noisy. Thank you Finn for joining our family. I love you so very much. Happy almost birthday my love. -Mom
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