One day in the car a couple of weeks ago on the way home from pre-school he said "mommy, my birthday is coming up". When I asked him how old he was going to be he proudly held up three fingers and said "three"! We talked about Gi Gi and Pop Pop coming to visit from Dallas on the big jet to celebrate his birthday with him. We talked about the birthday party we were going to have with all his little friends.
Gi Gi and Pop Pop arrived a few days prior to the big day (June 13th) and with their help, we were able to get everything organized for the birthday parties. On Saturday, we celebrated together with the Uffelmans with a lunch in our backyard. Luke and Max are just two days apart and it has become tradition to celebrate the boys birthdays together. On Sunday, we had a party at Vasona Park with Max's friends from school. Lilly from Half Moon Bay and Luke were there too. Although it was miserably hot outside (why is it always so hot around Max's birthday and then perfectly nice and cool days later??) the kids had fun playing, riding the carousel and running around. We were all exhausted and napped as soon as we got back home. Max had fun opening all his presents and that evening, he received his big family gift...a Lighting McQueen race car! After driving it around for a while on the side walk he and Dad wiped it down and parked it in Max's room. He loves his car!
Here are some pictures from the two days of celebrating!

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