Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Caroling by finn

moving a shaking

our boys..

brothers playing at the park
ready for rain
finn and a cardboard box..

enjoying a treat

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

today is february 12, 2014.  a wednesday.  just a wednesday like any other.  a busy day starting off with a busy morning.  kids to feed, lunches to pack, bad moods to soften, bags to be packed and people to get out the door in time for school and work.  

today is a day to be thankful for.  we are fortunate.  we are blessed.  we have beautiful, healthy, amazing boys.  we have wonderful families.  fantastic friends.  today isn't just a wednesday.  it is a day we will never again experience and it is a day to be thankful for.  i am thankful.

finn ready in ski gear

beautiful day

max running through the village

the month of january has already come and gone and i haven't caught up on my blogging.. 

we took a trip to tahoe the first weekend in january before max started back to school after the holidays.  although there was barely any snow, there was enough at squaw for max and brent to ski some of the runs and for finn to attend ski school for the first time.  he loved it and did great!  we had a nice family getaway.  brent and max made the trip again the last weekend of the month while finn and i stayed back and just hung out.  keeping the boys apart at times is good.  hanging with just one of them once in a while is so easy.  photos and videos still to be uploaded...soon, very soon.