Finn is now a little over 14 months old. He has ten teeth and two more breaking through. New words are added to his vocabulary daily. Some of the newer words are; "hi", "cheese" (when posing for photos), "patience" (when we sign the word patience which he has little of..), "happy" (when wishing GiGi happy birthday today!), "doggie" (for when he sees a dog but also when searching for his favorite doggie blankie). He tries to meow like a cat when he sees one. Our little guy is trying so hard to express himself with words and becomes so frustrated when we don't know what he wants and needs. Soon enough, there will be more new words mastered. I don't ever want to forget how he sounds and looks and feels at this age. They way he runs towards me with his open arms, calling out "mommy, mommy" and hugs me so hard. The way his laugh sounds and how he loves to play peek-a-boo. The way he screams out loud when he disagrees with you, wines and squirms when he is on the changing table, hating to get dressed, undressed or his diaper changed. The way he places his head on your shoulder, holding onto his doggie blanket and lays down for bed without a sound. He is such an amazing little boy.