Finn will be 10 months old next month. 10 months! My little baby has gotten big and is pretty heavy. The
Uffelmans' daughter Brinn is nearly two years old and light as a feather. I swear, Finn weighs more than she does! His feet are long. None of the cute baby shoes ever fit. One day those feet will be huge and smelly. I
don't want to think about it! Last week I gave Finn these organic finger food puffs that are good as a first snack since they just melt away in the mouth. That is the only snack he has ever been given, poor kid! Otherwise we just feed him baby food and formula. I told Karen. She thought we were nuts! We are so behind! Honestly, we have not even thought about letting Finn try snacks. We need to catch up or our child won't be able to even taste his birthday cake when he turns one!
Max has been saying some really funny phrases lately. It seems his vocabulary has doubled in the last two days. And questions. He has so many. About everything and anything. He is also very helpful. Tonight I showed him how to fold towels. He handled the washcloths and kitchen towels and did an awesome job. He was quite proud. He picks out his own clothes in the morning. I didn't realize how picky a boy can be about his clothes at this age. It is quite amazing how he simply refuses to wear certain clothes and wants to wear the favorite shorts every single day. Not that we let him. Max is most
definitely at the age when he pushes all our buttons and tests us to the limit on a daily basis. Brent and I feel that the three + age has been the most challenging yet.
Our boys are so different, yet so similar. I look at Max who is a carbon copy of his dad. Dark hair, olive skin and green eyes. Finn is fair skinned, has blond fuzz and blue eyes. Maybe he looks more like mom? Well, no - everyone still says that he looks just like his father. And, when I look at baby photos of Max, he looked very much like Finn does now when he was nine months of age. Max used to have blond hair and blue eyes. His eyes turned green pretty late. Time will tell if Finn will remain Scandinavian looking or look more like his brother. Stay tuned...all I know is that we have the most amazing and beautiful boys and I consider myself the luckiest woman and mommy on the planet. I would not change a thing!