Tuesday, July 27, 2010
We visited with our friends Toni and Brian in Livermore last weekend. We had not seen them in about a year, which is pretty crazy when you think about it since we live just 30 minutes apart. But, it is always difficult to make everyone's schedules match up. We all live such busy lives. Too busy to enjoy the moment? Probably, yes. I am sitting here typing, with the door to the office open to the backyard. I hear Max and Brent playing t-ball and Max is having so much fun. The weather is amazing. He has been jumping in his jump house. He loves it. He is such a happy child. I am so happy too. I have everything I have ever wanted, and more. I need to go out and hug my perfect husband and my wonderful child.
Counting down the days...
I can't believe that Finn will be here in less than two weeks! I just want to see him and hold him and see if he looks like Max. I want to see how Max reacts when they meet. August 9th can't come soon enough!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Baby shower for Finn
Thank you to my wonderful friends and neighbors; Karen, Kristen and Jaimie for Finn's baby shower. And to Carin for flying in from Dallas for the weekend to visit and attend the shower. It really meant a lot to me. We had a nice time at the Uffelman's casa with great food, friends and sweet gifts for my soon to arrive baby boy. I feel very fortunate to have such great friends.
Max has talked a lot about Carin since she left. They played (or "crashed" if you ask Max) the trains which was super cool and played soccer in our back yard.
Max has talked a lot about Carin since she left. They played (or "crashed" if you ask Max) the trains which was super cool and played soccer in our back yard.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Amazingly enough, after everything that has gone wrong, the kitchen renovation is done. Brent and I decided that unless it was done today, the contractor would have to wait six months to finish up the details. Carin is arriving from Dallas tonight. In a few short weeks, Finn will be here and I don't want to spend my last weeks before the big event stressing about the kitchen. So, it all came together. Our lives will be back to normal, knowing that there isn't anything else left to tweak or touch up or adjust. We are happy.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Count down...
It is hot outside. I feel huge. Sleep? What sleep? After this week, I have two more weeks at work, then I am off for one week before Finn joins us! I plan to spend that last week just resting, sleeping, watching movies, getting a pedicure. If our baby for some reason decides to join us prior to August 9th...well then all that resting is out the door. Who knows. We will see. To say that I am ready and am counting down the days is an understatement. More like counting down the hours and minutes...can't wait to see what he looks like. Our Finn.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Swim lessons
We have a family membership to the YMCA. Brent works out regularly. I have not been since October or November of last year. The reason we signed up at the Y is because of their swimming pools. Brent likes to have the option to swim and we want Max to get used to being in the water. Last summer, Brent took Max to the pool quite a bit and Max loved it. This year, they have been a few times. Max's preschool is located next to the Y and since he has turned 3, he can attend swim lessons through the school. We signed up for a total of four weeks. Last week, he finished the first two-week session. He is in a group of four boys from his school. They change into their swim trunks, grab their towels and walk over to the pool just before 11am to see their teacher, John for a 40 minute lesson. Every evening, Brent and I would ask him what he learned from John and Max would show us on the floor how he kicked his legs and reached for toys in the water and moved his arms. When we asked what John said, he answered "no running". Every day, we received the same answer. I think the rule about not running around the pool has stuck with him. Brent and I did not go to watch Max the first week. There was a chance he would lose focus and want to come to us and not attend the lesson. The second week, Brent went to watch. He stayed outside the gate and watched from there, called me and filled me in on what they were doing. On Thursday, I went to watch. I stayed outside, afraid I would interrupt the lesson. The boys stood by the side of the pool and played with toys. One at a time, they did what John suggested; ducked their heads under water all the way until their hair got wet, floated on their back while John held their head, held on to a floating device and kicked their legs. They were so cute. Max did so well. He looks over, sees me and calls out "mommy"! He looks at the other boys and says "That is my mommy over there". I went inside and sat next to the pool to watch the rest of the class. Max looked over and waived. They turned on the water to the "mushroom" fountain. John took Max and Charles and together, the three of them went through the waterfall. I did not think Max would want to do it but he seems to trust this guy John completely. When the lesson was over, they were all wrapped up in their towels, lined up, and walked back to the school. I made sure to catch up with them to steal a kiss and to let my little boy know how well he did and how proud I am of him. He looked happy. He likes the pool. In a couple of weeks, he will yet again attend a two week course. In the mean time, we will take him and practice kicking and proper arm movement.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
A toddler bike and a skateboard
The sight of a small black toddler bike and a skate board. In our drive way. Used several times a week. Dad and son, off on a ride. Both so happy. What a great Dad he is, my husband. Better than I could have ever hoped for.
Family of four...
I cannot believe that soon, we will become a family of four...just a few weeks left now until Finn joins us! August 9th it is, unless he decides otherwise. Max seems to understand what is about to happen. At least somewhat. I ask him what Finn will do when he arrives. "Wake up and cry" is the answer I get most times. I ask what Max will do with Finn and he says "be gentle with him and hold him like this" and he shows me how he will hold him in his arms and slowly rock him back and forth. So cute. He also plans to sing to him, play with him and show his little brother how to ride a bike and swim. Precious.
Monday, July 5, 2010
July 4th weekend
What a nice and relaxing long weekend..
Friday evening - dinner at Willow Street in Los Gatos and dessert at a new frozen yogurt place.
Saturday - Craig & Andrea and Alex came by mid-day for a BBQ. Alex brought a bunch of lemons from his tree. That evening, we strolled through the Santa Clara University campus and Max showed me the fountain.
Sunday - we visited a working farm just north of Santa Cruz and hung out at Twin Lakes beach for a couple of hours. Although it was cold and cloudy, Max had fun playing in his huge sand box. Dinner at the McLarney's.
Monday - bike ride through Rose Garden neighborhood to Starbucks. Visited the park at the Egyptian Museum. Hung out at home. I juiced all the lemons. Max practised riding his bike without training wheels - with Dad's help. Turkey burgers for dinner. The weather is amazing.

Friday evening - dinner at Willow Street in Los Gatos and dessert at a new frozen yogurt place.
Saturday - Craig & Andrea and Alex came by mid-day for a BBQ. Alex brought a bunch of lemons from his tree. That evening, we strolled through the Santa Clara University campus and Max showed me the fountain.
Sunday - we visited a working farm just north of Santa Cruz and hung out at Twin Lakes beach for a couple of hours. Although it was cold and cloudy, Max had fun playing in his huge sand box. Dinner at the McLarney's.
Monday - bike ride through Rose Garden neighborhood to Starbucks. Visited the park at the Egyptian Museum. Hung out at home. I juiced all the lemons. Max practised riding his bike without training wheels - with Dad's help. Turkey burgers for dinner. The weather is amazing.
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