Yesterday, Brent was told by Max's teacher that our boy is ready to lose the pull-ups! She asked that we bring him to school today wearing big-boy underwear. We made a big deal out of it this morning and let Max choose his underpants. He was super excited. I sent some extra clothing with him to school, just in case.. He did great! All day! No accidents! Our big boy..
Friday, January 29, 2010
Yesterday, Brent was told by Max's teacher that our boy is ready to lose the pull-ups! She asked that we bring him to school today wearing big-boy underwear. We made a big deal out of it this morning and let Max choose his underpants. He was super excited. I sent some extra clothing with him to school, just in case.. He did great! All day! No accidents! Our big boy..
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Cousin Sam
Monday, January 25, 2010
What happened?
All of a sudden, Max is increasingly pushing ALL our buttons and throwing tantrums daily. Terrible two-and-a half, for sure! Give me strength...
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Day in Capitola
We spent today in Capitola. The weather was awesome. Much needed after all this rain. Lunch at the patio of Paradise Grill where Max inhaled his spaghetti. I think it had something to do with the fact that a cookie was waiting for dessert. Lots of people on the beach, building stuff out of the drift wood and playing. Max was all smiles. What a perfect day with my little family.

Quote of the week
This week, Max started saying "I'm so excited!" When you ask him what he is excited about, he does not really know. It is cute though.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Big boy bed
Max has been sleeping in his big boy bed for a couple of months now. We took the front panel off the crib so he can get in and out. We expected for him to crawl "out" more often than crawling "in" and showing up next to our bed at various hours of the night. Although Max is not always ready to go to bed for his nap or for the evening, once he is in the bed, he does not get out of it or his room. He has not once gotten out of the bed at night to come see us. In the mornings when he wakes up, he just lies there and calls out "I am here" until one of us goes in to get him. It is hilarious. This morning, he heard me in the kitchen and called out "everybody, I am here"!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Good day
It was supposed to rain today. It didn't. Kind of cloudy in the afternoon but still okay. Max was active today. Bike ride on the big-boy bike to Starbucks on Park Avenue. Brent followed on his skateboard and I walked. Max drank his hot chocolate in two seconds flat. Later in the day, after play, lunch and nap time, we drove to Campbell park and went for another ride along the creek trail. Max did great. We went south all the way to the first bridge, crossed over and then back the other side. I nearly had a heart attack when Max begun riding down the hill from the bridge. It was steep and Brent could barely keep up. I thought for sure Max would eat it and get seriously hurt. I even imagined him going down the hill INTO the creek. He made it and I am okay. I look at our little boy, so grown up. He peddles away on that bike so fast. All I see is the back of his black helmet and black winter coat. He is such a big boy. I love him so much. It was a great day.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Christmas and New Year
A lot has happened since December 17th when I last wrote. Christmas. We left for Dallas on the 24th, arrived late since it was snowing in Dallas and pulled up to Brian and Holly's house sometime after midnight. Christmas morning was nice. The rest of the day is kind of a blur. I was so tired. Max had fun playing with his cousins Ava and Maya and hugging on little Lexi. Pop Pop's train track ran all throughout his living room and was very cool to watch and play with. It made noises too. Holly took Max and the girls to Wiggle Room one morning, followed by lunch, a bath, a much needed nap, decorating of cup cakes and playing outside in the snow. What a day! It was fun to see everyone. The trip home was all but great. We slept only a few hours the night before, not at all on the plane but for several hours as soon as we got back home. This all made for a very low key New Year's Eve a couple of nights later. Honestly, Brent and I were in bed by 9pm! Now, let's see what 2010 has in store.

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